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Ranks of the Star Legion

The ranks of the Star Legion determine a player's skill in the clan. It also determines what opponents that player can handle.There can be more than one memberholding a certain rank. If a member wishes to increase his/her rank, then that member must challenge a member of the next higher rank to three 1on1 games. If the lower ranked member is successful in defeating the higher ranked member (winning 2 out of 3), then that member will be promoted to the next higher rank (i.e. From Private to Corporal : Private defeats the Corporal. The Private is now a Corporal). However, the higher ranked member that was defeated keeps his/her position. Members cannot be demoted unless the General of the Star Legion and his fellow Officers choose to demote him/her. Read the Rules section for more information. The players are advised to Save Replays of the challenges. In this manner, Generals and Officers will be allowed to watch the matches. Players may also ask for a witness in the matches (i.e. Player 1 vs. Player 2...Player 3 may watch if he/she wishes to). Tournament dates and times will be posted on the front page of the Star Legion site.

Before a member holds a certain rank, he/she will have to meet the requirements to hold that rank.

More active members will be more likely to be promoted. Less active members will not be promoted as quickly.

The leader. In charge of everything that goes on in the Star Legion.
Only the leader, OrnX, may be the General of the Star Legion.
Lieutenant General
2nd in Command. In charge of the Star Legion when the General is not around.
Promoted by General
Major General
3rd in Command.
Helps new members adapt in the clan.
Promoted by General
Brigadier General
4th in Command.
Makes a good impression of the clan to new members.
Promoted by Lt. General or General
Highest rank of Officers.
Chief handler of major problems.
Promoted by Major General or higher rank
Lt. Colonel
A natural leader of the Star Legion.
Must handle tasks and problems appropriately.
Promoted by Brigadier General or higher rank
A natural leader of the Star Legion.
Must handle tasks and problems appropriately.
Promoted by Colonel  or higher rank
Members who have proven themselves an asset to the SL.
Trains lower ranked members to ensure their rank is deserved.
Promoted by Lt. Colonel or higher rank
1st Lieutenant
Members who have shown respectful responsibility and trust to the SL.
Allowed to promote any member under 2nd Lieutenant.
Promoted by Major or higher rank
2nd Lieutenant
Members who have shown respectful responsibility and trust to the SL.
Allowed to promote any member under Sergeant Major.
Promoted by Captain or higher rank
Sergeant Major
Allowed to recruit new members and train them.
Maintains order, discipline, and respect among all members to ensure a fun environment for everyone.
Promoted by 1st Lieutenant or higher rank
Shows honor in clan
Master Sergeant
Allowed to recruit new members and train them.
Maintains order, discipline, and respect among all members to ensure a fun environment for everyone.
Promoted by 2nd Lieutenant or higher rank
Shows honor in clan
1st Sergeant
Allowed to recruit new members and train them.
Maintains order, discipline, and respect among all members to ensure a fun environment for everyone.
45 wins - 5 weeks in clan
Must defeat 1st Sergeant to become 1st Sergeant
Staff Sergeant
Allowed to challenge 1st Sergeant if wished to be promoted.
35 wins - 4 weeks in clan
Must defeat Staff Sergeant to become Staff Sergeant
Allowed to challenge Staff Sergeant if wished to be promoted.
25 wins - 3 weeks in clan
Must defeat Sergeant to become Sergeant
Allowed to challenge Sergeant if wished to be promoted.
10 wins - 2 weeks in clan
Must defeat Corporal to become Corporal
Private 1st Class
Allowed to challenge Corporal if wished to be promoted.
5 wins - 1 week in clan
Shows basic skill
No Chevron
Must have knowledge of clan rules.
Entry Level (Recruit)