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![]() ![]() The Star Legion Regulations v1.0
The Star Legion Regulations were written to maintain
order within the clan.
Section 1 : Battle.net
1.1 Conduct
1.1.1 In our battle.net channel, you will not be allowed to disrespect, verbally abuse, or harass another member without consent. If you are asked to stop, then do so. However, if you persist, you will be banned from the channel. In severe cases, you may be kicked from the clan.
1.1.2 In our battle.net channel, you will not be allowed to disrespect, verbally abuse, or harass a member of another clan or ally without consent. You are to stop immediately. If you continue your disrespectful actions, you will be expelled from the clan.
1.1.3 In our battle.net channel, you will not be allowed to disrespect, verbally abuse, or harass a member of the High Council without consent. You will be warned to stop your actions once. If your disrespectful actions continue, you will be expelled from the clan.
1.1.4 Keep the channel clean. This means that you should NOT:
1) Spam messages.
2) Repeat the use of 100% Caps.
3) Repeat advertisements of warez or porn.
The ultimate offense for performing any of these actions is a kick from the
1.2 Bots
1.2.1 In our battle.net channel, bots will not be allowed to spam messages. If a bot appears to be spamming messages, you are to simply squelch the bot.
1.2.2 Bots are not to spam disrespectful messages towards any member or High Council Member. If you are caught sending these messages, you will be expelled from the clan.
1.2.3 Keep bots quiet. Do not set any timers unless there is a special occasion that you wish to remind others of (i.e. Clan Meetings, Tournaments, etc.). You may set a greeting on your bot, however, you are advised to set the greetings to whisper.
1.2.4 Bots will not be allowed to spam messages about websites such as warez or porn.
Section 2 : Activity
2.1 Absence
2.1.1 If you think you are going to be away (i.e. vacation) for some time, then make a post in either the Star Legion Forums or the Black Legion Forums. You may also send an e-mail to one of the members of the clan telling them that you will be away.
2.1.2 You are allowed to tell a member of the High Council that you will be away, who will then report your absence to the rest of the members.
2.1.3 If you do not notify any member via e-mail, forum message, or by telling him/her, you will be considered inactive. You have 45 days to return or notify someone that you will be away. If in 45 days you have no contact with a member, then we will be forced to remove you from the clan. However, you may always re-join the clan, so long as you have not been banned/expelled.
2.2 In-Clan Activities
2.2.1 You are expected to attend ALL meetings of the Black Legion. If you feel that you are unable to attend the meeting, then notify another member immediately. You will be placed under Probation for 1 week following if you fail to attend or if you do not state why you cannot attend.
2.2.2 If a tournament is scheduled, you are advised to attend it. Normally, there will be a sign-up sheet where you can join. If the sign-up sheet does not work, then you should e-mail either @baddon, OrnX, or Sleighand following the instructions of the tournament rules.
Section 3 : Forums
3.1 Forum Conduct
3.1.1 If a member is caught disrespecting another member in the forums, the member will be placed in Probation for 2 weeks following. He/she will be warned to stop such actions. If multiple acts occur, the member will be ultimately expelled from the clan.
3.1.2 Advertisement of non-related topics (i.e. warez/porn) will not be tolerated. Your 1st warning is to stop. If you persist in this manner, and you are warned again, you will be placed in Probation for 1 week following. In addition, you will not be allowed to post anything in the forum for 1 week. If you are caught again, the High Council will be forced to ban you from the clan.
3.1.3 Have good manners! Don't repeat the use of 100% Caps. Everything from rule 1.1.4 is to be followed in the forums as well.
Section 4 : 100% Legit
4.1 Cheating
4.1.1 Because we are a 100% Legit Clan, you are not to use any cheats of any sort.
4.1.2 Cheating will not be tolerated. If you are caught cheating at any time, you are not legion material and will be banned from the clan.
4.2 Hacking
4.2.1 Once again, because we are a 100% Legit Clan, you are not allowed to use any hacks of any sort.
4.2.2 If caught hacking, you will be banned from the clan immediately.
Section 5 : Allies
5.1 Forming an Alliance
5.1.1 If you wish to form an alliance with another clan, then talk to the Advocate of the Black Legion, who will then perform the necessary actions.
5.1.2 You must see whether the members of the other clan meet our standards. They should have something in common with us (i.e. No hacking/cheating) if they are to become our allies.
5.1.3 Members of the other clan are to treat our clan with the same respect we treat them with.
5.1.4 At least 60% (6/10) of the High Council must agree whether the other clan can be our ally.
5.1.5 If the other clan follows rules 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.1.3, and 5.1.4, then the other clan will most likely become one of our allies.
5.2 Respect/Conduct
5.2.1 You are to treat allies of our clan with respect. If caught disrespecting a member of an allied clan, you will be placed in Probation for 1 week following. If insubordinate acts continue, then you will be banned from the clan.
5.2.2 All rules in section 1.1 apply here.
Section 6 : Promotions/Demotions
6.1 Promotion Rules
6.1.1 If a recruit successfully passes the Test of the Legion, then he/she will become a full member. However, if the member wishes to be promoted, he/she will have to wait an extended week before he/she can challenge a member of the next higher rank.
6.1.2 A member who wishes to be promoted must challenge a member of the next higher rank to three 1v1 matches (i.e. Private 1st Class vs. Corporal) if he/she wishes to be promoted. He/she must win 2 out of 3 of the matches. If the lower ranked member is successful in overcoming the challenge, he/she will be promoted to the next higher rank. The higher ranked member will not lose his/her rank, however. In other words, if a Private 1st Class defeats a Corporal, the Private 1st Class will become a Corporal, but the Corporal he/she defeated will remain a Corporal.
6.1.3 If the member is promoted, the member must wait another week before he/she is allowed to challenge another member.
6.2 Demotion Rules
6.2.1 Demotion usually only occurs if the member has done something wrong, but nothing to severe. If you are placed in Probation because you have been punished, then you will also be demoted by 1 rank (i.e Corporal has commited a crime. Corporal becomes a Private 1st Class.).
Note: Privates cannot be demoted.
6.2.2 If a member has commited a serious crime, but has been voted that he/she may stay, the member will be demoted by 2 ranks, not just 1 (i.e Sergeant commits serious crime. Sergeant will be demoted to Private 1st Class.).
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