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Humongous Update ! 
Posted by Lt. General Sleighand -- 8/7/2001 -- 10:35:49 AM EDT
WOW! I basically redid the entire Star Legion Website! Heh, I added a whole bunch of other pages as well. Take a look around and I hope you guys enjoy it. 
The New Star Legion Site (again...)
Posted by Lt. General Sleighand -- 7/28/2001 -- 9:08:54 PM EDT
Well, welcome to the new Star Legion site, once again. Homestead
sort of ditched my site, which sucks. It looks like I'm going to have to
make an entirely new site. If you have any news you would like to add,
Small Update
Posted by Lt. General Sleighand -- 7/10/2001 -- 8:59 PM EDT
Added a forum. Some few changes and modifications. About it for now.
Huge Update 
Posted by Lt. General Sleighand -- 7/03/2001 -- 4:46 PM EDT
As you can clearly see, I have almost entirely changed the SL site. I still have some more pages to work on, so I'll see you guys all later! LateZ.
Welcome to the Star Legion
Posted by Lt. General Sleighand -- 7/01/2001 -- 3:43 PM EDT
Well, I decided to make a new SL site. I'll try to make it better than the old one and update it frequently. Gotta work! See ya.
Small Update
Posted by Cpt. Carnage -- 5/07/2001 -- ?:?? PM CST
Ok, I've updated the Ranks Page, as well as the Members Page. The current "Leading Ranks" are directly chosen by The General of the Star Legion, OrnX. The regular Members are all free to increase their rank in the tournys that OrnX has mentioned below. More information will be posted soon, on exactly how to increase your rank.

Posted by General OrnX-- 5/07/2001 -- ?:?? PM CST
Well, I'm somewhat sorry for my lack of updates to all of the members. Which I'll try more, and Carnage has been generous enough to assist in the development of the website and rankings.
Carnage's idea of the rankings will promote people to want to improve their skills. What we will do now in the SL is have challenges, such as once a month or every two weeks, that will be schedueled. At these challenges lower ranks can challenge higher ranking members to matches for a higher rank. Now certain rules would apply such as new recruits jumping to like 3rd in command. I'll write a list of rules sometime soon. The higher ranking officers cannot lose their rank, and their can be more than one rank besides mine and I think maybe Sleighand's (I'll have to decide that later.)

Posted by Cpt. Carnage -- 5/07/2001 -- ?:?? PM CST
OH Glorious Day!!! Alas! I have beaten Kingorion in Golem Maddness!!! Yes it's TRUE! Heh.. Er..Well, ok well, It's not that true..:) Actually it was on a map that I knew well, and I won by the amount of kills (2500). Which, I might add is a stinking rotton rule. But, er, well, actually if it wasn't for the rule, he prolly would have gotten me anyway.BUT! I did WIN!! And I'll take it! as cheap as it is..LMAO
Anyway, in all seriousness, the reason for this update was to show how the future updates would look. Keep checking back to see what's new!

Posted by Cpt. Carnage -- 5/06/2001 -- ?:?? PM CST
Ok, well. OrnX has agreed to let me mess around with the SL Page a little bit. I'll try not to change anything too drastic! I'll try and post all the changes I make here, along with any info Ornx may want to add. I'm completely updating the Rankings Page. I'll post the whole idea, and ppl can leave their feedback, in the forum on the Black Legion Page. Thanks for your patience. If you have any ideas, questions, or comments, leave them here: Carnage.

Sleighand Named 2nd in Command
Posted by General OrnX -- 4/07/2001 -- ?:?? PM CST
Sleighand became a member of the clan on March 31, 2001. He was then promoted to Second in Command of the Star Legion until I can find a more suitable member to play such a key role. When we do find some to take Sleig's place than he will goto Major General. We also have some members who just joined SL: ][v][aximus~BL (Carnage), Rikwicked, and Karno. If you guys can please send me a profile and whoever hasn't sent me one also, please make one. Pretty soon I'll be recruiting new members for the SL. So our members page might get very large. If anyone finds any good players, that are loyal, and trustful please send them to me or Sleighand.
This website was created by Sleighand. All rights reserved.